The game itself is really fun and rewarding. What isnt so fun (or rewarding) is the fact that its a classic example of a freemium game. Gotta pay for energy or wait ten minutes for each move. Gotta pay to unlock the next area or wait EIGHT HOURS for each key. The first area needs three keys. So I need to wait 24 hours to play again? I understand needing incentives to pay money, but this is ridiculous. The Founder upgrade is cool, but ten bucks is a bit much for an iOS game. If the price were cut to $5.99, the number of purchases would skyrocket. Including myself. Oh, and the shop crashes are a bit frustrating. You spend money on an item, then the game crashes, and you restart it only to find that it took your gold but didnt give you the item you bought. Yay.
tl;dr cool game, but paywalls ruin it without the founders upgrade, and the shop crashes come at the worst times. Drop the Founder price and fix the bugs, and your game will be so much better.
Bait car about Battle Gems (AdventureQuest)